31 August 2010

sing, sing a song

I have looked for years.
Hunted about.
And then one day I found it.
I was thrilled!
So I ordered it.
And waited and waited for the post to deliver.
Today there was a little flat package.
Oh joy . . . could it be?!
It is!
My treasure.
My very own copy.
My "Song of the Highlands" by Sharon Gillenwater.
The hunt is over.
Now the re-reading can begin.
Anytime I choose.
I can wander the highlands of Scotland.
Hold my breath during the daring rescue.
Watch love unfold.
Hear of God's faithfulness.
Reach for a Kleenex (or two).
Then smile, because the book is mine.

08 August 2010

Big A . . . little a . . . what begins with Aa?

Peggy Parish's character, Amelia Bedelia, has always made me laugh. As a child I was intrigued and amused by Amelia Bedelia making sponge cake using actual sponges and a variety of other literal blunders and misunderstandings. I am partial to the copies illustrated by Lynn Sweat, for sentimental reasons, and many of Amelia Bedelia's adventures have a permanent home on my bookshelf. As far as I am concerned, the Amelia Bedelia books are a staple of childhood literature. Guaranteed to cause smiling and giggling.

06 August 2010

the berinfell prophecies continue

Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper team up once again to continue the fast pace plot of Curse of the Spider King, in book two of the Berinfell Prophecies, Venom and Song. We join the seven royal Elf lords once again as they train to battle the Spider King. Their friendships grow stronger as they question who they can really trust and continue to come to grips with the new roles thrust upon them. Will their gifts mature in time? Will they all survive what is to come? Will their enemies be defeated? Will they save the Elven race, or will their people be destroyed? This novel starts the reader off with heart pounding plot lines and keeps up the pace throughout the whole book. The ending provides just as many questions as it does answers and leaves the reader crying out for book three of this series. This is a well written fantasy that will appeal to a larger audience than just the young adults it is targeting. A definite must read.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

05 August 2010

i heart books

Have you ever heard of POLYVORE? It's a great site for letting your creative juices flow, and to be inspired by others.
I just created a group that I would love all you book lovers to join; it's called "i heart books".
To join Polyvore, begin by selecting "Register" in the top right hand corner of the site's homepage. Once you have filled in the required information and are logged in, select the "Profile" option along the top of the page. Next, scroll down on your profile page looking along the right hand side for the "Group" link. Beside this is a link called "Join groups"; select this one. In the search box on the top left of the screen, type in the group name "i heart books". Once the search results are available, select the link to this group.
Voila! Now you can create sets and add them here so we can share our creative thoughts around everything bookish.
I can't wait to see what you post!
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